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  • Kim

Nothing Has Changed

Not to spoil the ending for you or anything, but

You know nothing’s really changed, right? I mean, yeah, new day, new month, new year, I get it. But it’s just an artificial construct, an exterior counting of days. You’re still you.

And that’s a good thing. If you want to change, go ahead. Today’s a good a time as any.

But don’t get all worked up if you find out that you're still the same person as you were last month, last quarter, last year. It isn't the changing of the calendar that makes things different.

You see, you actually have to do the changing yourself. The calendar, and the people around you, and even the seasons (which is also the same as it was yesterday) don’t really change.

So you’re the one who has to do the hard work.

It’s lonely work, too, a lot of times. The people who are really changing, now or at any time, are mostly doing it by themselves, too. They exercise alone. They write alone. They get up on time alone. That’s because they find that they can’t count on someone else to stick to a “new” way of doing things.

It’s each of us toiling by ourselves, baby. You lifted that fork over the holidays, not your mama. Now you have to eat your salad by yourself.

The really good news is, though, that the success is also all yours. Oh, your family and friends may be positive and encouraging, but talk is cheap. They didn’t go to the gym with you, did they? They didn’t stay up late finishing whatever you wanted to write—they can’t.

You have to do it. But you get to win it. You win the healthier life. You win the finished book. You win the new education or the new habit.

And if you don’t achieve it—whatever it is for you—you know what? Next week starts a new week. There are 11 more months in the year. Start on a new quarter or a new moon. Or just any ordinary day. Just because you dragged your old self so far into this "new" year doesn’t mean you have to drag it any further. Let it go.

Find something about yourself that you will change, and change that one little thing. Just. One. Thing. Once it’s really gone, rooted out forever, then pick another thing. Don’t wait for the calendar, just start it. Bring something new into your life. Cherish the good stuff you’re already doing.

Don’t let the calendar be your taskmaster. Change, don’t change, doesn’t matter, really. Start today, or in 11 more days, or this coming summer. Make plans, but then do the work. Don’t be fooled by people selling things or promising things. Look deep inside you and if you want to change, go ahead.

You had it in you all along.

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